Mother Hood Is Priceless <3

This Is Priceless.  Motherhood Is Most beautiful thing to women. 

This is what Mothers go Through… Stretchmarks, Pain, Shapeless body, Flappy Tummy.

Some of us use Push Up Bras to look sexy but when we go to the bathroom, we look towards our naked body and we see the real ME, that we have an ability to reproduce a Human Being.

Women, Please Love your Body, Love your Inner Soul.

Men, Learn to love your wife. You will never understand the pain which a woman goes through during her motherhood days. All that a women needs are love and no cheat towards her love. Some Men don’t even care whether she has eaten or not, whereas some men spend more on their girlfriends abundantly forgetting that they have a nursing wife at home.

Some men even have guts to say that she is not a woman because she gave birth to their child through CS. Whereas the women who go through CS, has taken a lot of pains, she has to deny her food for next 3 days.  She can’t have proper food for a month.

Men, no matter the method of Delivery be, treat your women has Queen.

For a mother and a child to come out ALIVE is by God’s Grace.

Learn to Respect Women. 




#saynotoviolence #respectwomen #women #respect #labour #delivery #child #priceless #love  #pregnancy

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